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Large Suburban District Undergoes Tech Realignment

Northeastern School District

Northeastern School District Case Study


Amidst the challenge of a retiring Tech Director, and in front of a new district leadership-driven call for long-range technology plan, Northeastern needed a technology work force that could quickly transform the district.

The Rest of the Story

Behind-the-scenes is a story of a district that experienced rapid population growth when the area became a popular relocation site from Baltimore and surrounding areas. But, when leaner economic times hit the area the district struggled to keep pace. Despite tight budgets, Northeastern district leadership committed to a long-range technology plan designed to improve engagement, graduation rates, and preparation for post-secondary education.

About Northeastern School District

Current Enrollment: 3,750 students with 43% on free or reduced lunch.


First, Northeastern received Board approval to outsource technology management with Questeq. Together Northeastern leadership and Questeq realigned the district’s technology workforce and added new procedures, including a help desk and ticketing system that gave teachers confidence to use technology in classrooms. The new team also identified savings that were reinvested in infrastructure such as wireless access points, improved internet bandwidth and the replacement of outdated student devices.


A little more than six months after beginning a technology realignment, Northeastern School District reports encouraging progress, and is now poised to put an aggressive 1-to-1 learning initiative in place for the district.

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