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From Fixed Mobile Lab Carts to 1:1 in Four Months

South Side Area School District

South Side Area School District Case Study


Following a vision to quickly transform South Side Area School District (SSSD), with 1-to-1, digital curriculum and real time assessments the district set a plan in motion. Part one of the challenge for SSSD was to move from legacy mobile laptop carts to 1-to-1 very quickly. Part two of the challenge was to motivate educators to make technology an integral teaching partner.

The Rest of the Story

The district’s vision of 1-to-1, digital curriculum and real time assessments set this successful plan in motion. Behind-the-scenes there is a story of infrastructure- building that enabled the 1-to-1 transformation. There is also an answer to the question: How did SSSD get educators to make technology an integral teaching partner? SSSD’s “rest of the story” will provide the reader with a little more insight nto the on-going solution.

About South Side Area School District

Current Enrollment: 1,18 4 students, 32% on free or reduced lunch
District Size: A*

* “A” is the state of PA’s smallest school size rating. In the case of football, Single-A stands for school districts with total male population, grades 9, 10 and 11 of 185 or lower.


The Questeq onsite IT staff undertook a large data collection assessment, where every classroom instructor was asked the same question, “what do you NEED from a technology tool for the students to be successful?” Even with precious little room for research in the timeline, the survey was the first step of many to engage and encourage participation by educators.


South Side has seen a year-to-year steady gain in student achievement. The school district anticipates more progress over the next school year. Many other intangible changes can be seen in the district: Students are more excited to get to class, no longer lingering in the hallway or arriving after the bell rings. Also, teachers have noticed an increase in computer/technology literacy and student engagement has increased in all grade levels, K-12.

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